Friday, December 31, 2021

I did a couple of tarot card readings (all with different readers) a few weeks ago, and they all gave the same prediction - someone from my past will attempt to reconnect with me. 

Of course, there's only one person that came to my mind. 

While it's disrespectful to label tarot cards as a game of entertainment, I've always taken the readings with a pinch of salt. A skeptic believer, I think that's what I am. 

And surprise surprise, Edward reached out to me on Monday. Well, a different E I was expecting, from an even longer lifetime ago, but perhaps a better one, because all I felt was pure joy and none of the apprehension that the other E will undoubtedly bring. (Context: Edward was the bassist and leader of the band I played with back in uni.) We were both happy to have reconnected, because it reminded us of the mutual dream we once had of doing music, a version of us that we have since shelved and forgotten. At least music still brings me great joy, and at least I found my passion for drums again. 

I was in the middle of dinner with Misa when the text came. The right E, just 27 hours to 2022.

第一反应:Hmmm, 塔罗牌神准。



撇开破损的感情不谈,当初欣赏彼此的一切依旧。真心觉得,此生能亲身体会而不只是以书面上理解“海内存知己,天涯若比邻” , “莫逆于心,遂相与友” 是多大的福气!





想想,失而复得的圆满也不单是从 the right E. Hearing from Edward again was a lovely surprise, and reconnecting with Alfe (my shifu) is the best thing I've done this year.



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