Monday, September 13, 2021

first week (or two) of sept

Piko has finally progressed to hydrotherapy. That's him looking really happy before the session-


He absolutely hates it LOL but it's expected, because it requires a lot more work from him now.
A lot of work is also required from him emotionally as he learns to tolerate and live with his brother.



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Brought Kopi to the office for the first time and he didn't like it at all. He is still easily frightened and just wants to stay next to me. Very cute though hahah 
Birthday treat from Jervis (still my birthday!) at Koji! Affordable and nice vibes. 
Birthday treat from Mui and Weiting at Oven and Fried Chicken 
Insane queues with close to no safe distancing measures at Apiary. I honestly don't find their ice cream that good to summon a crowd like this. But the joke is we joined the queue anyway because we walked 25 minutes for this. I don't think it's worth a 25 minutes walk either, but mui sounded like she really wanted it.

Lots of of shit is also happening in the gym. It's so sad to see everyone scattered, and I don't think we will ever get to train together like we used to anymore. (People pictured above are the people I'm training with now)

It was supposed to be a chill afternoon shopping with Jamie before we catch Shang-Chi, but I got "scammed" by David and was led to Eminent to check out their new gym. They have been trying to get me to join Eminent, but there's no way I can go without Bryan's (genuine) consent, and there's also no reason for me to leave Bryan since I really like his training. I mean, I would love to train with Jamie and David and the rest again like old times... but it's not compelling enough for me to risk the status quo.
My first time back in a cinema since Covid! Don't think I can go back to regular theatres again hahaha 
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RAPPU Handroll Bar. Nice handrolls and even nicer (albeit weak) drinks and the bill adds up quickly? The bill for the four of us came up to $307, and it just doesn't add up (even though it does add up correctly on the receipt)? Like everything seemed so affordable on the menu, the miso soup was only $3.50, a set of 6 handrolls was $36, drinks were $16 each.. How did it even go up to $307? (We were expecting the bill to be in the $2xx range)  

But anyway, I will visit RAPPU again, but only for the drinks, or have dinner elsewhere and then head to RAPPU as a round two. 

Got to try recording drums for the first time - on a professional kit and setup, no less - and it's an absolute chaotic mess LOL.

I was thinking the entire time "what is my amateur ass doing here" LOL but anyway, it's a massive eye opener and I hope to be able to record something decent soon... like... by 2023... 

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