Monday, September 20, 2021

24 hours of Wanzhen treating me like a Queen (#stillmybirthday)

I have four "fixed" staycations every year - one for Wanzhen in January for her birthday, one for Xinyu in March for her birthday, one from Wanzhen and one from Xinyu, for my birthday. The itinerary of the day and choice of hotel constitutes as the surprise, which is really the main highlight for us. (We are dead serious about keeping the surprise so we usually don't know where we are going until we are actually there) 

This staycay with Wanzhen was meant to be in June, but Heightened Alert happened and we couldn't dine out (of which is an element of her surprise) so we rescheduled it to September.

And she took me to Fullerton Hotel!! Insane.




Can we just take a moment and appreciate the balcony because WHAT THE HECK

My photos are not doing any justice to how amazing the balcony is. They feature a super high ceiling (two storeys high, the room above us doesn't have a balcony) with views of boat quay!!
We made plans to drink at the balcony that night (I even got Moscato delivered to us) but that didn't happen LOL continue reading to see why
Afternoon tea at the Straits Club




Evening Canapé and alcohol (YES IT'S FREE FLOW AND MISTAKES WERE MADE)

1 hour later:
I obviously didn't know about our plans later that night or I would have paced myself LOL
Us looking like we were on our way home from the club but actually we were on the way out for dinner LOL
Dinner on the Flyer!

Let me tell you, boarding a moving vehicle while tipsy is a challenge.

The food was surprisingly good!! It never crossed my mind to try their dining experience because I thought it's just going to be a gimmick and the food would suck but I was so wrong.

Amazing views

I was really knackered after dinner and passed out almost immediately so the Moscato is now with Wanzhen for our next night out
Breakfast at the Straits Club the next morning
Aging is real, friends. Gone are the days where I could go drinking on a weekday night, head home at 4 and wake up fresh for work at 7.

Now I have to nurse a hangover and fatigue that consumes me FOR DAYS after some light drinking (we only had 3 cocktails/chandon each lolll)

The breakfast came with free flow Chandon which I gave a miss, sadly, because I had drums class after. 

Having tried both Fullerton and Fullerton Bay, I actually like the rooms at Fullerton a lot more. Even though the rooms at Fullerton Bay comes with a balcony as well (with views of MBS), it was pretty warm and stuffy out there which I didn't find inviting, unlike this balcony which is high, airy, and so tranquil. But Fullerton Bay is still great, and I plan to visit both sister hotels again. 

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