Sunday, May 29, 2022

my $700 ticket and $700 hotel room

I can't claim to be a big fan of Tool, but just really like them enough to regret if I never get to hear them play live at least once in my life. So, here's one less regret in my life now hahahah.

While O2 arena is in London city, it's not that close to the city centre and I didn't want to mosh my way back the city with hordes of people, so I bit the bullet and stayed at the hotel connected to the arena, which was for $700 that night. 


There's nothing to complain because it is THAT CLOSE TO THE ARENA. And the bed was really comfortable.


I even went to the gig with just my phone and hotel key because I didn't want to bother with looking out for my belongings the whole time. It is that convenient!! 

By some luck I managed to get a second row, right smack in the middle ticket, which coincidentally cost about $700 as well. Their ticket was the first thing I bought before anything else, which is also what that prompted this whole trip. 

If not for their gig I probably still wouldn't have travelled out of the country. I was so anxious about travelling before the trip (and convinced that I'll contract covid 100% but HEY I'M STILL COVID NAIVE) but I must say everything feels normal like pre-covid days now, well at least in the UK. I also didn't wear a mask throughout my trip (other than on the flight and in the airport) because I didn't want to get ostracised hahahah.
Anyway, they have a very strict no photography and videography rule, like the strictest I have ever encountered really. We were not allowed to take photos of the opening band, of our seat (which explains this blurry photo because I got caught doing it despite being as discreet as I possibly could already), and not even selfies! Insane. 

But it really changed the entire experience because it forces you to be fully present and it's really amazing. 

They did allow phones to be out for the last song so yay at least I got some pictures! 

It is such a treat to be so close to the stage that I could see Danny's stickings! 

It was also his birthday so it made it extra special as his fan. 

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Like goats headbutting
This photo is taken by the guy sat next to me, an Italian guy who got into a bike accident two days before but didn't want to miss the gig, so he flew over with crutches. I felt quite bad for him because he struggled to stand the whole time!! But he managed, so kudos to him. We shared photos after the gig!

I also tried to take a video but the guy on my left, forgot what's his name but I remember he's from Lithuania, stopped my video (like literally reached over to press the stop button) about 30 seconds in because he said I should live in the moment. He wasn't unfriendly, and I saw his point, though I still wish I had something that I could rewatch as and when. 

He did that to everyone around him and the person in front of him was like "mind your own fucking business" HAHAH OOPS.

I wish I had a fellow fan-friend there with me :x

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