Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Preludio (Two Roads menu)

Went to Preludio again - this time for Bangs' birthday - and tried their Two Roads menu. Back in November they served their Preludio Story menu, which is like a showcase of the best/classic dishes across the three menus they had served thus far. However, Two Roads came before Preludio Story, so in a way it's a little disappointing because it seems like they have nothing new up their sleeves. But I had never tried the Two Roads menu anyway, other than the couple of dishes featured in the Preludio Story menu.

Long story short, I enjoyed my second visit way more than my first, and feel that the Two Roads menu is a stronger menu than the Preludio Story menu (despite it being a best of menu??!)-

Waves Lapping on the Shore: Chervil Root, Consomme (appeared in Preludio Story)
Rye Bread: Fermented Mushroom, Bacon and Maple Glaze, Butter (appeared in Preludio Story)
Capture N25: Shiso Leave, Shallot Cream, Amaranth, Smoked Olive Oil
Winter Sugar: Heirloom Beetroot, Walnut, Masala Pearl, Burrata
Mille-Feuilles de Volaille: Yellow Chicken, Feuille de Brick, Cherry Pearl, Almond

THIS WAS MINDBLOWINGLY GOOD!!! It was soooo good omg. Think thin crispy layers of buttery pastry with smooth chicken paste. I knew it was a savoury dish, but my mind was still expecting a sweet dish because I've never had savoury Mille-Feuilles before. 
Journey to the West: Hokkaido Scallop, Salted Egg Yolk, 'Nduja, Sunchoke
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The One Noodle: 2.5 metre Chitarre Pasta, Boston Lobster, Iberico Ham, Vanilla, Basil

This was good too. Actually, they can be bold and not serve it with a lobster, and I doubt anyone will complain. The noodle was great on its own, lobster was great on its own, but putting them together did not make it a better dish. Plus adding the lobster kinda feels like they were trying to zhng the dish, as if the noodle wasn't good on its own. Well.
Thursday Night: Rabbit, Bacon, Tomato, Garlic, Thyme

Basically a rabbit lasagna with a shard of parmesan crisp cleverly added to give the (taste) illusion of a corner piece. I know for sure I've had something like this before..... where though......
Crimson: Wagyu Beef, Dijon Mustard, Quinoa, Sweet Onion

Kitchen was a little heavy on the salt that night. 
Créme Fraíche Sorbet: Bergamot, Basil (appeared in Preludio Story)
For Old Time's Sake: Sake Kasu Ice Cream, Hazelnut, Pistachio, Buckwheat, Strawberry (appeared in Preludio Story)
Seasonal Fruit: Strawberry, Powdered Cream
Birthday chocolate piñata was the same too.

I remember complaining about the Preludio Story menu being very potato-centric during my last visit, and good to see no such problem this time round. 

Will come back again when they are ready with a different menu!  

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