Tuesday, October 05, 2021

last week

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Being the beneficiary of shifu's new found (though temporary) spare time and visiting cafes after class.

Cliché, but life really pans out in unexpected ways. Sure didn't see myself reconnecting with my shifu after so many years, not even this time last year, and for things (everything in life) to end up in certain ways.

There were so many times when I questioned if I could ever feel better and get over certain things (death, breakups, broken relationships not only pertaining to romantic ones) but most times, things I've lost do come back to me in a different but mostly better way. (I suppose I'm at the stage in life where I do have more ghosts from my past than I did ten years ago, LOL.)
Dinner with my MT girls at Koh Grill! Finally got to try the shiok maki and I think it's only shiok for a while and gets jelak very quickly.
Kopi being the cutest boy hahah

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