Monday, July 05, 2021

Fat Prince (and life)

Finally tried Fat Prince with YH on Friday and it didn't disappoint at all. The food was amazing (other than the beef cheeks, pictured below, which I found a tad too salty, but it's probably just me), ambience and decor were on point, service was great (we believe my cleavage got us free flatbreads and stronger drinks HAHA) Anyway, it's a great reminiscence of our time in London. Interestingly, we were in London four years ago that day. Oh happy days.
My sister treated us to Afternoon Tea from Shangri-La over the weekend. As a family, we love afternoon tea (we just love eating, actually) but my parents hate the idea of spending two hours over a meal that could be finished in twenty minutes. So the delivery option works out perfectly for them.  



We are not exactly sure if Piko is aware that his brother has passed, but he now refuses to eat his dinner unless we set his dish next to us in the dining room. 

It's been a week of non-stop eating and no workout for me. If not for a trainer that constantly checks when I'm resuming my training again, I'll probably stick with this sedentary lifestyle forever. 

If only getting fit is half as easy as getting lazy lol.  

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