Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Kakslauttanen Kelo Igloo

That's one place off my bucket list!
You need a long exposure and zero light in the room itself to take the kind of photos you see on social media, or even the mediocre kinds like the ones I took above. So in short, a tripod is necessary.
Took this with normal short exposure. So you basically see nothing.
And this is how it looks when you take it with light; you won't be able to shoot the view outside.
The ones we see on IG mainly are the 1st generation igloos (pictured above). As the name suggests, they are older and doesn't have its own shower.

The one we stayed in is the kelo igloo and has its own kitchenette, full shower, and even a sauna.

Huge shame that the sky was overcast that night, so we didn't spot the aurora.

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