This was the hike that I looked forward to the most.
Bleary-eyed from the ultra long dinner the previous night, I made my way to Vagar.
The meeting point for the group hike to Drangarnir was at the petrol station pictured above. Just two weeks before my trip, I read on a forum that the hike to Drangarnir was no longer free to public, and we could only do the hike through an official group hike, which cost 550 DKK. I was initially disappointed with how exorbitant it was (well, is. I still think it is expensive), but now that I've done the hike, I must say that I'm glad I had done it with a group, because I probably would have given up half-way through if I were to do it alone.
It is a treacherous hike, with the steep slopes and precarious cliff-side treks.
I don't know if it was because of the impending rain (it was forecast to rain at 4PM) or that's the normal speed, but everyone's pace was really fast - almost twice the speed that I was comfortable with. Though not to the point of running, you have to bear in mind that I had been hiking alone, which means I had been walking as slow as I liked. Why rush when the view is so beautiful?
Also, the entire group - excluding myself - was made up of photographers. I just had to sneak this photo because it's interesting to see how everyone would go to different lengths to get the shot they want.
Needless to say, I was really self-conscious the entire time. Also, me holding a camera is not an invitation to talk gears and settings with me.
Does the photo look better with a bird in it?
The consensus of the group was that we take a boat back to VĂ¡gar, instead of hiking back.
I was really exhausted then. I mean, my tank wasn't even full to begin with (that miserable sleep I had). It would cost us 200DKK each, but damn. Yes. Sure. Take my money. 100% sure I wouldn't make it back in one piece if we were to hike back.
Getting onto the boat was a challenge. We were out in the wild, and the "pier" we had was just the rocky shore. The boat had difficulties coming close and staying at the shore long enough with how strong the waves were. So it went like this - we would try to board as many people as possible before the boat got pushed away by the waves, and then wait for the boat to maneuver and come close to us again. It took several maneuverings, but we all got onto the boat eventually.
And the rain fell right on cue.
It's been nice seeing you.
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