Thursday, May 23, 2024

where did all the time go?!

2024-05-20 12.16.01edit
I can't believe my baby is three years old now...
2024-05-20 11.13.00-2edit
got his birthday dress from the dog fair in yokohama!
2024-05-20 12.15.41-3edit

2024-05-20 18.14.03edit
made chicken fricassée and spicy vodka rigatoni and a tomato salad to go with burrata
2024-05-20 18.45.37edit

Got kopi's birthday cake from Petissier! I got piko's cake from them as well. They are so good with the drawing!!
DSC09418editA And a blackforest cake for the humans from fieldnotes 



hope you'll stay happy and healthy forever my little booboo
2024-05-20 10.54.33edit

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