Monday, August 16, 2021

My assets

Technically, I can no longer call them my assets anymore because more than half of my kit are loaned items from Alfe - Drumheads, Double Pedal, Bass Drum Silencer, Zildjian Silent Cymbals. (listing this down so I'll remember what to return)

But my shifu has generously gifted me a whole set of ADV silent cymbals (that brings my share of the kit back to 50% I guess??)
My kit has changed a lot to suit my drumming needs since I'm set on practising progressive rock. (My neighbours should be the ones thanking Alfe, actually.) Also, you can't see it here, but the double pedal is a real smooth mf and I don't think I'll ever want to return them HAHAH 
I think I'll keep these hi-hats on even when I switch back to normal cymbals eventually because I like how they sound.

Not sure if this will even reach the right audience but hey if you are a drummer that somehow found your way here, check out ADV if you are looking for affordable cymbals! Otherwise, hey YZ if you are somehow reading this ten years down the road and you are looking to buy cymbals, don't forget about ADV!  

Well anyway, I'm so happy to pick up drumming again and beyond thankful to have my shifu with me on my drumming journey for half my life now. I'm never going to be a Danny Carey but it makes me feel happy to know that I've tried LOL

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