So the story goes like this. A few weeks back I asked xy if there's anything she would like to do in particular for her birthday.
"Anything interesting," she said.

The original plan was to visit some arts festival happening in town. Then I got to know from bangs that there was going to be a special evening admission for USS on the night that I was going to meet xy.
"Want to go to USS? Apparently they will be open that Friday night." I was praying that she would say yes, purely because I love theme parks and I'm selfish like that.
"Is it? I don't mind!" Just what I was hoping to hear.

Between the two of us, I was clearly the one having the most fun. Theme parks are just so my place. I love theme parks so much that I have no qualms about visiting one all by myself (3 times and counting)

Also, I met my husband (Finafuckingly! Took me 4 (separate) visits to USS to finally meet him!) Such a charmer though this actor clearly didn't do his homework well.
(me) I love you so much.
(him) I love you too baby.
(me) My name is Lydia.
(him) That's a beautiful name baby.
LOL My heart broke into a million pieces because that was totally not how I expected him to respond like COME ON. LYDIA IS THE NAME OF THE GIRL YOU PLAN ON MARRYING. HOW CAN YOU NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THAT.
I must have imagined a thousand different scenes of us meeting over the years but this was clearly not one of them. This wasn't how it's supposed to play out and I'm just so disappointed and sad. (still am)

I digressed.
Turns out that xy isn't a huge theme park fan at all. Not only does she not like thrill rides, they make her feel sick.
And I only found out after we got in.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!" I was seriously perplexed.
"It's ok, I know you love theme parks. I'm happy as long as you are having fun."
"But it's not even my birthday, it's yours!"
"That's the fun hahaha, we can enjoy it together!"

And friends, this is a classic example of how xy easily wins my most selfless friend award.
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