Friday, April 03, 2015

2015-04-02 09.36.46 1

There you go, the biggest mistake I made while kayaking - having my slippers on.

Now I'm sporting hideous tan lines on my feet.

Actually, I'm toasted all over.

I'm depressed. #firstworldproblems

I've probably soaked up the amount of sunlight I need up till 2016. That said, I don't regret going since I've always wanted to kayak! And I'll definitely go kayaking again, but only after my skin tone has lightened up enough.
2015-04-02 11.16.28 2
The view is ah-mazing!
2015-04-02 11.29.59 1

2015-04-02 11.27.06 2

2015-04-02 09.31.24 1

2015-04-02 09.28.19 1
That's me struggling to stay afloat.

Paddling around wasn't difficult. It was the getting in and out of the kayak that was difficult.
2015-04-02 09.38.10 1
Now, back to slathering hazeline snow all over my body.

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