Thursday, August 22, 2013

My first paycheck gift for myself!
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I've long wanted to buy a proper gift for myself with the pay from my first legit job. Something that is proper but not way toooooo pricey that all my pay is gone.

Plus it doesn't make sense that I spend $400 on my family and $0 on myself, hence I've been seeking high and low for the perfect gift.

I really needed a pair of sunglasses anyway. Not that I drive in the day very often (or that I drive very frequently, if that matters.) but when I do drive, I wanna do it in style okay, instead of squinting my eyes all the time because of the Sun's glare.

Initially, I wanted a pair of raybans. But well, I looked so uncool in all of them and it's like my face was swallowing the glasses or something. So bad. So anyway after a week of research, I found this!
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Not going to leave my house without them for the next few weeks/months/forever.


Sometimes I think it's so weird. It's not like the pay from my internship is really high. But I felt so... EMPOWERED. But then again, it's not exactly true since I don't have to pay rent, or be financially responsible for anything of course, the pay was like $$$$ extra spending cash.

But anyway, the spending chronicles will end here. My next big plan is to see how I can invest the remaining sum to make it a bigger sum...? We can always stay hopeful right? A million dollars is made up of a million one dollars so every dollar count right?


1 comment:

WAN ZHEN said...

Love the simple new template, miss the tagboard But this is more sophisticated, might i say. ;) love the sunglasses!